The measurement program TGear is used for the measurement and evaluation of spur and helical gears as well as internal and external gearing.
Measurement and evaluation of
- Profile, lead, pitch and runout, as well as tooth thickness. Evaluation according to DIN, AGMA and ISO or free tolerances.
- Evaluation of crown (lead and profile, end relief (lead), tip and root relief (profile) as well as K-charts for profile and lead. Measurement of tip- and root diameter, interrupted cut, missing gaps and teeth, timing relation between gears and others.
More Options
- Program for curve analysis (TAnalyse). This program helps you to correct your grinding wheel properly.
- Tip and root circle diameter.
- Interrupted cut (lead).
- Profile and pitch test of cutted gears.
- Interrupted pitch (missing teeth, missing gaps).
- Measurement of cone and beveloid gears.
- Direct determination of dimension over balls
- Twist measurement.
- Surface measurement.
- Timing relation between gears.
- Determination of apexpoint.
- Measurement of straight sided splines.
- Timing relation between gears.
- Grinding burn detection
- Statistic interface (e.g. for qs-Stat from Q-DAS GmbH).